Monday, April 25, 2011

What would life be like without the other gender?

Dear Katherine and Eryn,
       If I were to entertain the fact that life would exist without the opposite gender I would say life would be different in many ways. First, there would be no sense of gender because there is only one gender. Second, if there were only men or only women, the way we would act and socialize would dramatically change.
       Let's touch upon the differences of the sexes. First, a society that is comprised of men would live in a Utopian society comprised of efficiency, peace, and prosperity because men are logical and peaceful at heart. A male society with leaders such as George Washington, Mahatma Gandhi, and Barak Obama would create a co-op synthesis of innovation and ideals. Not to mention Jesus is a male and he's perfect (you can't beat Jesus unless your Pontius Pilate).
      I female society would be the repugnant opposite. A society comprised of women would be ruled by totalitarian anarchy based on vengeance and hostility. I imagine a society of flaxen haired cheerleaders armed with automatic firearms burning the countryside because their leader, Oprah, was called a "bitch!" by Ellen DeGeneres.
      Don't get me wrong, I'm not sexist, I love girls and I think their graceful beauty is a shining light on a dark planet that would otherwise not swoon at the sight of a baby seal, but here arises a question. What would happen if men didn't have women? It is a fact that men are like blissful bees going about their work until you drop a female into there midst. When this happens we turn into starved baboons that have been tasered for months, only to wake up to see a beautiful ripe apple thrown into our midst.
      Ladies, men get mad and violent because we love you. Why do you think Napoleon conquered Europe? Probably because some pretty blond girl said he was short at a dance. He was so embarrassed he spilled Mountain Dew on his nice dress shirt so he ran into the bathroom sweating with shame. To his distress he realized that if he walked out of the bathroom with yellow stains on his white shirt people would freak-out. In an effort to preserve his dignity he crawled out the window vowing he would conqueror Europe and wear platform shoes to his next social ball. I feel you Napoleon. Don't listen to that beautiful girl in the red dress. Her silky golden hair that bounces about her shoulders as she flirtatiously moves about the dance floor. Or her infatuating hour-glass figure and graceful demeanor. You don't have to be any of those studly musketeer jockeys following her around like intoxicated cats fumbling to get catnip. Totally not worth it Napoleon.
       If there weren't women, men would have nothing to fight about and would go about our boyish hobbies like building legos and Xbox tournaments. What would women do if men weren't always trying to impress them? They would start fighting about who among them has the prettiest outfit, the smallest shoe size, the cutest hiccups, and etc. In a short amount of time a bloody scratching and hair pulling fight would ensue.
       On a different note about a mono-gendered society our feelings for each other would still be of love. Yes, we would all be homosexuals. In a duel-gendered society you can see this theory proven in isolated environments (e.g. super max prisons, Katie Perry's hit song, "I kissed a girl and I liked it", Obama and Biden, Lesbos, etc).
My beautiful and immortal conspirators,
-Bronson Whitmore

Sunday, April 24, 2011

This, I believe.

Dear Bronson, I want you to write an “I believe” essay to share with the 9th grade Socratic class

-Mrs. Martinez

Dear Mrs. Martinez,

      I believe in Xbox because adventure is a Coke, chips, and a click away. On Saturday I hop out of bed, skip the shower, and take my shirt off (it will just get dirty where I’m going). I grab a box of hyper-saturated corn syrup cereal, a gallon of milk, bowl, and spoon. I kiss my mama goodbye and she tells me to be careful as I juggle my food down stairs to the “ManCave”.
      Getting to the ManCave is an adventure on its own. It’s dark and messy but I can find it by the smell. The emanation of awesome percolates my senses and guides me to the epicenter of media indulgence.  I flash on the light to reveals everything I have ever wanted: a man’s secluded entertainment oasis.The Mancave is the perfect filter of potential mates because, as you will learn, the Mancave is a veneer of myself at my most raw state.
      Everything I’ve ever wanted is here. TV, heater, mini-fridge, VIDEO GAMES, Frozen burritos, Weezer Cd’s, my pyramid of Mountain Dew cans, my Fallout 3 bobble head, My Master Chief (Halo) action figure, the couch I got for five dollars at the thrift store, my poster of Muhammad Ali that says: Impossible is Nothing…Nike, and gloves and winter hat when I play in the winter months.  It’s a beautiful place that continues to give and give and give, and be awesome.
       My adventure starts with some first person shooters like Halo (the first Halo, the only good one), Modern Warfare 2, and Star Wars: Battlefront 2. I get online and start blowing stuff up with my nerd friends. After three hours of that I move on to more sophisticated games such as Portal, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (which they should make into a movie because it is so awesome), and Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Then at about four in the afternoon I take a 10 minute break to replenish my gamer food supplies and report back to my mom about my conquests in the ManCave. Then I get back into the fray! This is where I take my gaming to a whole new level. KOTOR, Mass Effect, Fall Out 3, Gears of War 2, and Command and Conquer 3 are played into the wee hours of the night. I usually can last until 3 or 4 in the morning before my shaky hands prevent me from playing any longer and my body slumps over like a bale of hay.
      Sunday morning I crawl out of the ManCave and see the light of the golden rising sun through the windows to the East. A sense of accomplishment washes over me as I put my callused fingers in ice water. The pain is great but compared to the battles I’ve seen, the planets I’ve visited, the gas tanks I’ve shot with a armor-piercing ballistic missile from the Statue of Liberty 1000 meters away, the pained beautiful women that I saved them from evil scientist, the cities I’ve destroyed and rebuilt in a day, and the aliens I’ve allied with to take down English-accented corporate despots. How I changed the world. What an adventure I have partook in. For I live with the greats and always shall. This I believe.

Three Short Answers

Which hurts more, duct-tape pulled off nipple or happy trial?
I only tested on a deranged male, specifically myself, so results may differ depending on phenotype but I hotly contest that my happy trial still burns.

What would we do without you?
 You would be productive citizens married to attractive and affectionate spouses living on gross piles of money.

Pirate or ninja?
I know I will either be suffocated in my sleep or robbed of all my possessions if I answer this question so I will say this and only this: "Give unto ninja what is ninja's, and unto pirate, what is pirate's." -KJV

Why do we dream?

Dear mystery man,

       What we dream is based off of many events and memories of the day that are spliced together to form what we call a dream. We dream because we would be bored stiff while we sleep if we didn't. Try standing in a refrigerator box for eight hours and tell me how fun that is. Besides Joe Carpenter and Hannah Brand most of us would go crazy. But stand in a refrigerator box with a video device that switches movies every thirty seconds and you're in business.
       Another reason why we dream is because it shows us what life would be like if we were in charge of the universe. My universe would be filled with headless kittens and my mother would be Richard Simons, I guess. Our dreams are a sobering reminder that the world would NOT be a better place if we were God.
        Another reason why we dream is so we can wake up thinking we fell off a large building and survived, or that we are capable of itching our brain via index finger through ear cavity. One time, in this crazy dream that I had... yeah, I kissed this girl and she turned out to be a dude. I woke up sweating and dumped Jessica Alba that day. In another dream, my friend whaled on me with a baseball bat. The next day he called me, in real life, to hangout. I was still mad at him from beating me up in my dream so I hung up on him.
        My dream-sharing brings up a point. NO ONE REALLY CARES. Have you ever really enjoyed listening to someone talk about something that never happened and that will never affect you in any way? I hate it when one person shares a dream which brings up another dream which gets the girl behind you to share her dream until everyone is sharing their dreams and no one thinks the other dreams are remotely interesting except for their dreams and subconsciously everyone is aggravated at everybody else for not really caring about their dreams but we all know that nobody cares about each other's dreams but still continue sharing our dreams. And it starts to turn into this 1-UP program where everyone else is tries to out-due the other with interesting dreams and you feel left out so you start making stuff up to fit in but nobody cares and you know it and everyone else knows that you don't really care either. But let's be honest; whatever crazy dreams you think you had its nothing compared to the crazy dreams I've had, so shut it! It's true, this one dream I had I hit this kid in the head with a toaster and I turned it on while it was on his head and it popped and his head was the shape of two toast-shaped prongs and I used him as a fork to stab George Washington in the bum to get him to chop his cherry tree down. It was crazy! And there were elves everywhere! And I had two thumbs on each hand, one on the inside and one on the outside... yeah.
         It's funny because when I told my brother James what I was writing about he started talking about dreams; not his dreams but his friend’s dreams. This lasted about ten minutes. Maybe I'm just a miser but please share your thoughts with me about dreams. Not of dreams but about dreams.