Dear Bronson, I want you to write an “I believe” essay to share with the 9th grade Socratic class
-Mrs. Martinez
Dear Mrs. Martinez,
I believe in Xbox because adventure is a Coke, chips, and a click away. On Saturday I hop out of bed, skip the shower, and take my shirt off (it will just get dirty where I’m going). I grab a box of hyper-saturated corn syrup cereal, a gallon of milk, bowl, and spoon. I kiss my mama goodbye and she tells me to be careful as I juggle my food down stairs to the “ManCave”.
Getting to the ManCave is an adventure on its own. It’s dark and messy but I can find it by the smell. The emanation of awesome percolates my senses and guides me to the epicenter of media indulgence. I flash on the light to reveals everything I have ever wanted: a man’s secluded entertainment oasis.The Mancave is the perfect filter of potential mates because, as you will learn, the Mancave is a veneer of myself at my most raw state.
Everything I’ve ever wanted is here. TV, heater, mini-fridge, VIDEO GAMES, Frozen burritos, Weezer Cd’s, my pyramid of Mountain Dew cans, my Fallout 3 bobble head, My Master Chief (Halo) action figure, the couch I got for five dollars at the thrift store, my poster of Muhammad Ali that says: Impossible is Nothing…Nike, and gloves and winter hat when I play in the winter months. It’s a beautiful place that continues to give and give and give, and be awesome.
My adventure starts with some first person shooters like Halo (the first Halo, the only good one), Modern Warfare 2, and Star Wars: Battlefront 2. I get online and start blowing stuff up with my nerd friends. After three hours of that I move on to more sophisticated games such as Portal, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (which they should make into a movie because it is so awesome), and Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Then at about four in the afternoon I take a 10 minute break to replenish my gamer food supplies and report back to my mom about my conquests in the ManCave. Then I get back into the fray! This is where I take my gaming to a whole new level. KOTOR, Mass Effect, Fall Out 3, Gears of War 2, and Command and Conquer 3 are played into the wee hours of the night. I usually can last until 3 or 4 in the morning before my shaky hands prevent me from playing any longer and my body slumps over like a bale of hay.
Sunday morning I crawl out of the ManCave and see the light of the golden rising sun through the windows to the East. A sense of accomplishment washes over me as I put my callused fingers in ice water. The pain is great but compared to the battles I’ve seen, the planets I’ve visited, the gas tanks I’ve shot with a armor-piercing ballistic missile from the Statue of Liberty 1000 meters away, the pained beautiful women that I saved them from evil scientist, the cities I’ve destroyed and rebuilt in a day, and the aliens I’ve allied with to take down English-accented corporate despots. How I changed the world. What an adventure I have partook in. For I live with the greats and always shall. This I believe.
I miss my freshman year and reading these lovely pieces from Bronson. Loved it then, love it now.